Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Trek Parent's Night...

Hey Trekers, don't forget that this Wednesday night, January 17th is a special Parent's Night. All Trek parents are invited to join us for club on Wednesday night. We will have a special presentation about summer camp at Silver Birch Ranch in White Lake, Wisconsin. We will let you know when camp is and what scholarships are available through CBC to help with the costs.

After that presentation we will continue our regular club night with handbook and game times. Your parents are encouraged to join us for those times as well if they would like.

Hope to see you and your parents at Trek on Wednesday!

January Worldview Night...

After taking a break for December due to everyone's busy schedules, we will be once again be having our monthly Worldview Nights. This month we will meet this Frida, January 19th from 6-9 p.m.

We will begin by meeting in the sanctuary as we view some DVD's. This month we will start a new worldview study called re:View Discern Culture. Know Truth. This worldview study will involved a short video clip, followed by some discussion of the video, teaching by Dr. Bill Brown and further discussion. This worldview study is put out by Cedarville University in Ohio. Dr. Bill Brown is the president of Cedarville and the teacher for these DVD's. Although this worldview study is geared more towards youth, anyone else is welcome to join us as well.

We will continue with a time of snacks and games after the worldview study. This usually lasts from 8-9p.m. If you can, please bring a snack to share with the group.

"But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander." 1 Peter 3:15-16 (NIV)

Friday, January 12, 2007

Journey/Trek Quizzing Practice...

Quizzers, we are getting closer and closer to March 3 - the quizzing competition. We have 3 practices left until the competition and one of them is this Saturday, January 13th from 9-10:30 a.m. at CBC.

Don't forget to bring your book and Bible, and come with brains in gear, energized and ready to go. Hope to see you there.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Youth Christmas Caroling and Party...

After we got done with our BP4J @ CBC, we had a couple of hours to rest and prepare for our Youth Christmas Caroling and Christmas Party.

First we grouped up and went out to sing Christmas carols to a few of our older folks at CBC who can't always get out and join us at church on Sunday.
We had a great time showing the love of Christ through singing carols. And although we are not pros at singing, I thought we sounded pretty good.

After the caroling we came back to CBC for some snacks and some fun. Once again this year, we had karaoke set up for those who wanted to try their hand at it. As you see in this picture we even had some of the adults get into it.

Then we ended the night with a ornament/white elephant gift exchange. There was much laughing and gift stealing taking place and of course some pretty weird gifts - thanks in large part to the Arnold clan - where do they get these things?

All in all, a fun night. Thanks to all who caroled and added to the fun.

More BP4J's...

I apologize for not posting in such a long time. With Christmas stuff going on and taking some vacation time for Christmas, I have not had much time to "catch up" with my blogging.

I wanted to post about the Birthday Party for Jesus that we had at CBC on December 16th. If you read below, you saw that we already had one at LifeSpring.

Our one at CBC went well. We had lunch together, played games, made a Christmas ornament, sang songs, learned a verse, listened to a Bible lesson, and then went home. It was a very busy 3 hours. We had a great group of kids - I think about 24. And as always, we had a great group of teens helping with everything. Thanks guys (generic guys) for all your help.

And although I missed the BP4J @ Elssy Febela on December 20th, Jodi said that you guys did a great job. So thanks to all who were involved in that as well.