Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Crazy Hats and the Store...

A reminder to all of you Trekies that tonight at Trek will be having our Trek Store and Crazy Hat Night. So come prepared.
At the Trek Store you can use Trek bucks (earned by completing verses and units) to buy different types of items including pop, candy, notebooks, pens and SHARPIES!! Only crazed sharpie addicts really care about buying sharpies, but we do have a few of those...Hmmmm!
As far as the hats, feel free to express yourself. I know some of you who are Cubs fans will wear a White Sox hat for crazy hat night and some of you White Sox fans will wear Cubs hats. Whatever floats your boat.

So, just a reminder on those two things. Hope to see you tonight!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

why do you guys get to have cool nights? we didn't have as many! haha

its ok
