Friday, October 12, 2007

Golf, Go Karts, and Go Cubs...

Last Saturday we went out to the Aurora Sports Zone (you know, the big white bubble) for a Sr. High activity.

This was no ordinary Saturday night activity though. Why you may ask. Because the Cubs were playing game 3 of the opening round playoff series against the Diamondbacks...and they were down 2 games to none. Basically, this could be the Cubs last game of the year. Now most of you know that within our group we have some Cubs fans and some Sox fans. And then we have some really hard core Cubs fans - like Melinda and Brad. Yes, I know there are others but these individuals took strides to listen to the game on the radio while eating, in the car ride and at the mini golf place (they actually had a TV going with the game on). And yet while these Cub fans could have stayed at home, they came anyway. I'm glad they did!

So we started the night with subs, chips, and pop. Then we headed straight for the "bubble". We started out with a round of golf. Some were serious, others not so much, but that was fine. We did have some nice swarms of gnats to greet us.

After 18 holes of golf we headed for the go karts. The thing about the go karts is that some are faster than others. The one I was in, not so fast. In fact I got passed by a few people including Jess who started behind me and Dan who started way in front of me. Basically Rick and I had slower carts and just "brother in lawed" it the whole way.
The ligthouse

Hey, how did your ball get in the grass

After go karts we headed back to the church for some ice cream (thanks Mr. Sadler) and a devotion on some of the Proverbs. After the devo we had just enough time for a game of flashlight freeze tag before heading home.

We had a great time (I think and hope)...but, the Cubs lost. So as hard as we were pulling for them, they could not pull it out and to that we can only say..."There's always next year".


Brittany said...

good post! I see your counter is getting very high!

Jessica said...

yep, there is always next year... go cubs go...

so yeah, this was a fun night... :D

Anonymous said...

Lig thouse? What's a lig thouse?

The Correspondent said...

Thanks for visiting and commenting on our new blog! I forget to check this one (CBC Youth), so I'm glad I was able to link here. I do check your family blog and so feel the pain of your latest computer crash. I hope you're up and running again soon!