Monday, April 27, 2009

Long Time, No Post

Well, apparently it has been a while since I posted last - January 8th to be exact. I could blame in on the fact that on Jan. 12th, Brittany and I welcomed our second son into the world and have been trying to catch up on sleep ever since. But you know full well that this is not the first time or even second or third time that I have failed to update the blog consistently - oh and by the way it probably won't be the last time. So let's just move forward.

In January we took our Sr. High group out for a Snow Day. The only problem was that it was one of the coldest days of the year. The sun was out and it looks nice in the pictures, but the windchill was close to -25 or so. Needless to say, we only stayed about an hour.

After that we took the bus back to the church where we hung out, ate pizza, spent some time in God's Word together, and had fun together. And it was WARM!!

Here are some pics from the short sledding day:

Hiking up the hill

The view from the top
Mr. Sadler - ready to go
Going down!
Jakob in mid air - heading down!
Hopefully next year it will be a bit warmer for our snow day excursion. But even amidst the cold we still had a lot of fun!

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