Monday, June 08, 2009

Summer Wednesday Nights

We started our Summer Wednesday Night program for our youth a few weeks ago and have been having a great time so far.

We meet at 6:45 p.m. at CBC and start out by playing games of some sort. So far this year, we have mainly played volleyball - sometimes regular vball; sometimes with a gigantic volleyball as you can see in the pics.

Some people just like to hang out and talk.

This summer we trying to incorporate some singing into our time with some of our youth leading the music. So after vball, we head in to sing.

After singing we spend some time taking prayer requests and praying for one another. And then we spend time in our Bible study. This summer we are studying Basic Bible Doctrine by RC Barth. So far we have just focused on Knowing our Bible - Old and New Testament. How the Bible is laid out, why it is laid out that way, and what we need to know in order to be able to study it properly.

So far we are having a great time. If you are graduated 6th-12th grade and want to join us, please come and be a part. We are looking forward to a great summer!

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