Wednesday, July 08, 2009

5 Day Clubs @ St. David's

Ten of our Senior High youth participated in a 5 Day Club hosted by St. David's church. Aaron, Hannah and ten of our Senior High youth group went and helped.

The club was a "High Octane" club in which games would start the club. There was a wide range of games, on Tuesday one of the children brought a soccer ball and the boys played soccer Tuesday and the rest of the week. The games outside would last for a half an hour and then the children would get water to cool everyone down.

Inside we would go, down to the basement where our ten Senior Highers would take control of the club. They did all the work while I sat back and watched. We would open with prayer and our 5 rules. Then singing. we would learn a verse, listen to a Bible story, play another game, have a craft, learn about missionaries in Fiji, and finally listen to a missionary story.

Our host and a few other ladies from St. David's Church provided wonderful lunches each day.
On the first day we had four children recieve Christ as their Savior!!!

This club was to help our ten senior highers prepare for a missions trip to Mississippi where they will team up with Riverwood Bible Church's youth and hold 5 Day Clubs. Each day there will be four clubs, beginning Monday July 13th and ending July 17th. Each of these clubs will also be "High Octane" clubs with games in the beginning!!!

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