Well, we skated and it was fun! Ok, that's it.
Alright, maybe I can say something else. Let's see. We skated in a
circle for almost 2 hours. We did the hokie pokie thing, had a 15 minute devotion (even though my limit was 10 minutes...hey I thought that was pretty good) and talked about the importance of encouraging one another with our words rather than discouraging and insulting one another. We saw that the tongue is very powerful - like a bit in a horse's mouth or the rudder of a ship (James 3:3-4). Then we continued to skate to some good music, had some skating races and then had a final skate with a friend to Butterfly Kisses.(sniff, sniff; shedding a tear)
Some people spent more time at the snack bar then on skating rink. Others spent quite a bit of time on the floor. But overall, everyone seemed to have a pretty good time - hope you did!
geez... you guys always do fun things when i'm gone....
that makes me sad... i haven't missed a skate night in who knows how long... oh well, there's always next year
I hurt for about three days after that! I love the sport too much!
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