Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Big TeePee!

Well, Sunday didn't take as long to get to in real life on our trip as it did in this post, but it is finally here!

On Sunday we attended Riverwood Bible Church for Sunday School and the Morning Worship service. Some of the members of our group (Alyson, Jess, Jakob, Liz, Rachel, Kathleen, and Elisa) had the opportunity to do special music at Riverwood. They played and sang "Grace Alone". And they did a really good job!

It is hard to see everyone, but this is our group performing at Riverwood.

We also had the opportunity to hear Pastor Jerry Clark continue his study on prayer, which I enjoyed very much as I always enjoy listening to Pastor Clark teach.

At the end of the service we stood in the back of the church and folks greeted us as they walked out. Some of our group got hugs and the "arm grab". I think some people were a little taken back by those arm grabs. But Riverwood is a touchy type of church and in the South sometimes are a little different anyway. There is lots of hugging (appropriately) and stuff amongst friends and in the body of Christ. And the girls met Mrs. Scarbrough (Mr. Michael Scarbrough's (from CBC) mom).

After church we went back to FOA changed clothes and went to Big D's BBQ for lunch. Big D's is just a couple miles from FOA and not too far from our Catfish Haven stop on Saturday. Big D's is located next to a railroad track and has the slogan "Good Enough to Stop the Train" and apparently it has before as the engineers stop the train on the tracks and go in for a bite to eat. On the day we were there, however, a few trains went by without stopping.

Big D's does have good BBQ, but one of the interesting parts about the place is that the dining room is the inside of a TeePee. Now this is no regular TeePee made from animal skins or what have you. This one is made from a much harder material the thing is big enough to hold like 40-50 people. There are many Native American flags hanging from the ceiling and cool things painted on the walls. So it was pretty fun and good tasting. And they had pretty good pie too.

The TeePee doesn't look that big from outside but inside...

...it actually is quite large and includes many Native American flags

and a chandalier made out of antlers.

I just thought this was a cool picture.

After lunch we headed back to FOA to just hang out until the evening service at Berean. A few of the girls went to my sister's (Amy) house for a makeover. Amy is a Mary Kay makeup person and she was "practicing" on the girls. Sounds scary but the makeovers turned out good. Some of the others went swimming and others did, well, "other stuff".

I guess this is some "copycat" picture of the JB's that UI did after their makovers.

On Sunday night, we had the evening service at Berean. We sang some worship choruses that Jess played for. We also had some special music by Elisa and Kathleen and Liz. Warren did some magic for the guys and used it to present the gospel and talk about the Christian life. I gave a short (ok, we know that's not true) lesson from part of our study in Colossians on Wednesday nights (so obviously it was from chapter 1). We had a really good time doing all of that.

Elisa played "Amazing Grace".

After church, we headed back to the Philemon house for pizza and "coke". Then we played capture the flag outside until 10 p.m. Matt Sprayberry (my really good friend) came out and joined us. He was on the team with many of the crazy girls so they called themselves - Team ADHD. That is an understatement. No one won, we ran out of time. It was pretty hard in the dark with unfamiliar territory for most people playing.

After that we went in, got cleaned up, and headed to bed. We had to get up early in the morning to start the week!

Another fun day had passed; many more to come.

1 comment:

Brittany said...

I like that you called them "UI"