Thursday, August 30, 2007

Last Summer Wednesday

Well, our summer Wednesday night Bible study is over. We will take next week off before beginning Awana on September 12th.

We had a great summer filled with many fun times and I hope for you a profitable Bible study in the book of Colossians (even though we barely made it into chapter 2). I hope you also enjoyed the times of prayer we had together each night through the year. I cannot stress enough how important prayer and Bible study are for our individual lives; not just for a Wednesday night Bible study.

I thought I would include a video clip of our last night playing volleyball for you all to enjoy.

Our last night just happened to also be Jess' 16th birthday. So we made a cake to celebrate our summer and her birthday (and many other birthdays too). We had made a car cake for Luke's 1st birthday since he likes cars so much, so we thought we could put it to good use for Jess too concerning a certain phrase about cars that she likes so much. Thanks a ton to Brittany for making the cake! Here are some pics.

Yeah, so the last one was due to a little cupcake in the face after Bible study. Jess will be smelling funfetti for the next few days.

Anyway, thanks for coming to Bible study throughout the summer. Hope you enjoyed it!

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