Tuesday, June 17, 2008


So very sorry that it has been so long since anything new has been posted here at the CBC Youth blog. I have not done a great job at keeping this blog up and if you read previous posts you will see that this is something that takes place consistently. Usually, though I go on a rampage and post 3-4 posts all in one day - well not today, but I do want to say that I will try to update this a bit more often than every 6 months or so.

It is not like nothing has been happening to blog about - Valentine's Dinner, Quizzing Competition, Jr. High activities, Sr. High activities (including a Lock In), Spring Workday, Awana Awards including 2 Citation Recipients - Brad and Melinda, Seniors Graduating, SBR Camps going on, Summer Wednesdays starting (we are studying Philippians) and lots of other stuff. Maybe I'll try to catch up on a few.
So we'll see what happens from here and I'll try to keep you updated better from now on.

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