Thursday, June 19, 2008

Valentine's Dinner 08'

Obviously Valentine's Day was a few months back. However, in an effort to "catch up" on a few things, I want to blog about our Valentine's Dinner this past year. We started doing Valentine's Dinner in 2006. It started out for just youth parents, then last year we included youth grandparents in the mix and we did so again this year.

We had 27 youth and siblings involved in the dinner. We had 29 parents and grandparents who attended.

Brittany oversaw the kitchen workers and they did a great job with our menu - Tuscan bruschetta, cruncy romaine tossed salad, classic lasagna with French bread, and "heart" warming applie pie cookies with vanilla ice cream.

Kitchen crew in full swing

Preparing the "Heart" Warming Apple Pie Cookies

Those youth not involved in the kitchen were involved as MC, Photographers, setup, servers, and cleanup. Many also performed in different musical ways throughout the night. I think we had a special music number just about every 5 minutes for the hour and a half dinner.

Our MC, Matt - and no he is not keeping reservations for the men's restroom

Here are 2 of our photographers; I wonder where the other one is?

Setting up tables

Servers preparing to enter the dining room

Bring out the food!

Johnny providing some "atmosphere"

A lot of work went into making the night a success. Ryan Anderson helped out in a huge way as he helped to direct the setup, servers, and cleanup. Everyone did a great job and I think the parents and grandparents had a great time.

Ryan was very hungry after all the hard work

Most of the youth, parents, and grandparents

Having fun!

And Brittany is already getting recipe ideas for next year...

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