Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sr. High Mini Golf and Go Karts

A week and a half ago, we took our Sr. High group to the Aurora Sports Zone for our monthly activity. After chowing down on some pizza and pop and hopping on the bus, we arrived at the Sports Zone ready to go.

The weather was perfect - which meant many other people wanted to play mini golf and ride go karts. But even though it was crowded and we had to wait a long time in line for go karts, we still had a great time- and of course waiting around simply meant more opportunities to talk, which most of our group would rather do than anything else.

Here are some pictures from the night:

Our fearless leaders

Kathleen taking a different approach to the hole

Ryan talking to his pink ball - it wasn't listening

Interesting stance Ben!

The following pictures are of people picking their ball
up after hitting it off the "course".

In the grass...

in the bushes...

even in the water!

Embarassing enough to try and keep your picture from being taken

Like I said - we had a lot of time to kill in line for go karts

So overall, we had a great trip and a great time. As you saw, there were no professional golfers on hand, but lots of fun - that's for sure!!


Anonymous said...

Hope you all had fun....WITHOUT ME!!! *sniff* OK, moments over

Jessica said...

this was awesome! i had fun go carting and dragging my friends who were in sugar grove all the way out here!