Monday, September 29, 2008

Youth Room Renovations

Sorry for taking so long to put up a new post. Things have been very busy lately and one reason is because we have been trying to finish up renovations with the youth room. We are almost completely finished now. We just need to touch up a few things and over the next few months we will do a little here and there to finish it up. So here are some recent photos from the youth room renovation:

Scraping up the old tile

Tile Scraping group with their "weapons"

Starting painting - Green wall

Painting the rest of the walls - Brown Bread

We were going for the splotchy look - not really

Arielle and Andrew painting

Liz painting the trim

Rachel rolling the wall

Rachel trying to roll Becca's face

Walls are finished - some of the tile down

Walls and tile finished

Another angle

So, a lot of work has been done and finished and there is still some to do. Thanks to everyone who has helped with the work. Thanks to Mrs. Sheehan for helping with all the color schemes. Thanks to Dave and Jim who laid the tile and put in the base boards - and Dave did a lot of other stuff too.

Now we get to enjoy it!!

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