Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Honoring our High School Graduates

On Sunday, June 8th, we had the opportunity to honor our 3 high school graduates - Melinda Hernandez, Brad Mulligan and Matt Stelter. These are 3 great kids...uhmm..excuse me...young adults. I am very thankful for their focus as they are graduating - each of them is looking the Lord for guidance and wisdom. As far as colleges are concerned, Melinda will be doing Moody Correspondence courses, Brad will be going to Emmaus Bible College in Iowa, and Matt will be attending Waubonsee for a year before deciding what to do next.

We had the opportunity to give them some Bible study books as a graduation gift for them. Hopefully these will prove helpful for them as they continue to study God's Word. Studying God's Word is key for us to know God and cultivate a personal relationship with Him that in turns produces fruit in our lives that honors Him.
To celebrate, we let the seniors decide where they wanted to go for lunch and the whole Sr. High group went with them and their families. This year they decided on Famous Daves. Since they had just built one in Oswego, this worked out great. I had never been to Famous Daves before, but I thought the had really good food. So we had a great time there.

Now I know that a really good youth pastor would have a picture of the three seniors together; but alas, what can I say - I don't! I wish I did but I don't. I don't even have a good picture of each of them throughout this special day. So I am sorry for that. But here are a few pictures that we did have.

Matt - obviously bewildered or concerned about something

Sorry guys - I caught Brad with a mouth full; and Jess looks grouchy

It's not that funny Mr. Mulligan

This was our awesome waitress - 1 waitress for 23 people -
no mistakes and full glasses consistently - AWESOME!

Let's see, what to say, what to say -
are we really surprised with this picture?

Sorry, I couldn't resist putting in a picture of my son -
he's a cutie! (I mean manly)

So congratulations seniors! We will miss you, but you won't be too far away - and we'll make sure to keep in touch with you. And of course, we will be praying for you.

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