Saturday, July 19, 2008

Your Favorites

All right, so I have recently added some music to this blog for you to enjoy while you read about what is going on. I have included about 30 songs so far; I can include up to 100 - not that I will, but I could. These 30 (besides Toby Mac and Switchfoot - those are two I know the youth like) are songs I enjoy. I realize that not everyone likes the same music as me - surprise, surprise.

So if you come to this blog and have a favorite Christian song or two that you would like me to include in the playlist, leave me a comment, and if they have it available I will add it. Then when you come here you can go to the bottom of the page and click on the song you like.

By the way, this is a free playlist. If any of you are interested in making one and adding it to your blog or facebook or something, just follow the link off the bottom of the playlist and get started. It is pretty cool.



Chelsea said...

Hey aaron, its chelsea. I heard you let us request songs for your playlist so I wanted to give you one or two songs. My first song is Cinderella by Stephen Curtis Chapman and my second song is Big House by Audio Adrenaline.
I really hope you can put these songs on there my favorite Christian songs!

~Kathleen said...

hmm...I've recently gotten hooked on the wedding, but the only good song on from that band is "Return". "Replace Me" by family force 5 is a good song. "Things Left Unsaid" and "After the World" by disciple, "A Whisper and a Clamor" by anberlin is a fav. OMGOSH "GOD OF THIS CITY" is AN AMAZING song. We sang it at camp, but Chris Tomlin does a version of it.

Alright, there's my rant...I"m done. thanks aaron!!!