Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Jr. High VBS 08

Once again this year we had Vacation Bible School at CBC. As in the last couple of years we did a VBS for our Jr. High group (graduated 6th-8th grade). We did many of the same things as the younger kids like recreation, crafts, and a Bible lesson. One thing we did different was our opening time at the beginning. Liz played the piano for us every morning as we sang worship songs together - thanks Liz!! - great job!

Depending on the day we had 5-7 kids join us. During our Bible lessons for the week we focused on Christ's life and looked at a few different Biblical, historical accounts (not stories) during Christ's time on earth. We looked at the accounts of Christ healing a blind man who was born blind from birth, Christ healing the ten lepers, Christ healing the paralytic man whose friends lowered him through the roof, Christ speaking to the rich young ruler, and Christ appearing to his disciples after His resurrection.

Our recreation times included volleyball, an obstacle course, wiffle ball, dodgeball, and kickball. We also did some neat crafts during the week that included paint. On the last day of VBS, those who attended along with some of our Sr. High VBS leaders painted one of the walls in the youth room because it was soon going to be knocked out for youth room construction. That was very interesting and messy.

Giddy up Horsey!

Leroy Killroy Doofnschmirtz Jr., III

The wall was very scared when it saw this paint

Paintbrushes were simply not adequate enough

The finished product

Overall we had a great week. A huge thanks to Mrs. Ochodnicky and Mr. Lentz for all their help.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

you totally forgot the part where brit and i cleaned up the floor. how rude.
