Thursday, July 10, 2008

Youth Tshirts

A few weeks ago, Elisa approached me about having a CBC youth Tshirt. I told her that I would consider it if she made it. So she wasted no time. She took a youth brochure home and the very next day at VBS came up to me with her ideas.

The theme for the youth ministry is "Building a Framework on the Foundation of Christ". One of the verses in the brochure is Colossians 2:6-7: "So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in Him, ROOTED and BUILT UP in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness." (NIV).

So Elisa came up with the thought for the shirt to be "Rooted in Christ; Growing in Him" for the youth. I must say that I loved it. She wanted to use a tree with some cool roots for the image, but also a tree that was full of life representing that fruit was being produced. So she set out to draw that tree herself and did a great job.

After a couple of weeks of her working on the designs and fonts on a really cool website, and going back and forth with her on ideas, we narrowed it down to two designs and colors and took a vote last night at Bible study.

Here is design 1:

Front: Tree graphic with the verse

Back: Well, I won't insult your reading ability by typing it out

Here is design 2:

Front: Tree graphic with the motto

Back: Verse and "Central Bible Church Youth"

And these are the 2 colors to choose from. After a poll of quite a few people it seems that design 2 is leading the voting and that the grayish color is also leading. We still haven't polled everyone, so we'll have to wait and see.

Thanks Elisa for a great idea and a great job with all the work. And she has gotten it here in about 2 weeks. We'll let you know what the final decision is.

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